My Work

My artistic endeavors delve into the intricate interplay between acquired synesthesia and the ethical dimensions inherent in the culture of skateboarding. Drawing inspiration from a wide spectrum of influences, ranging from the existential perspectives of Kafka to the visceral expressions of Wendy Sulca, my work endeavors to synthesize fresh perspectives from both enigmatic and lucid dialogues.

From my early days as a student, I have been captivated by the transient and elusive nature of meaning (What is). The initial sense of yearning undergoes a nuanced transformation, evolving into a poignant narrative of defeat, ultimately leaving behind a profound awareness of failure and the improbable prospect of a renewed synthesis.

As ephemeral phenomena solidify through the convergence of emergent and scholarly practices, the observer is confronted with a nuanced understanding of the constraints delineating our future possibilities. My artistic exploration aims to unravel these complexities, offering viewers insights into the inherent limitations shaping our collective trajectory.


Currently based in Bogota, Colombia, I have transitioned to a remote work setting following a period of residence in Spain. While awaiting the resolution of present circumstances, I aspire to expand my professional horizons by capturing compelling imagery on a global universe. My ambition is to cultivate a diverse portfolio of photographs from various corners of the planet!


Prints for sale, contact by email. Impresiones a la venta, contactarme por email.

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